As the weather starts to warm up, many of us are looking for ways to make our homes more comfortable. If you’re like most people, one of the first things that comes to mind is getting an air purifier.

But how much does it cost to run an air purifier? In this post, we’ll break down the cost of running different types of air purifiers.

Air purifiers consume very little electricity, so don’t let the fact that they are rated according to their power consumption discourage you from purchasing one. In your home, you undoubtedly have equipment that consume two or three times as much electricity as a standard air purifier.

But how little is too little in terms of energy? Are there any differences in power consumption between the smaller and larger units? Below, everything will be revealed. Doubters will be proven wrong at the end of the day, and you can run an air purifier 24 hours a day with confidence.

How Much Electricity Does an Air Purifier Use?

Most air purifiers use about the same amount of electricity, regardless of their size.

In general, air purifiers use between 50 and 100 watts of electricity. That’s the equivalent of a small light bulb. Larger purifiers may use a little more or less electricity, but you can expect most air purifiers to use about the same amount.

While most air purifiers have a power capacity of 50 watts or more, there are few on the market with a power capacity of 10 watts or less. To my knowledge, I have also tested a few air purifiers that use less than 10W. These USB-powered air purifiers, which may be used in the car or connected to a computer or phone charger, have not shown to be very effective. It’s possible that a 10W air purifier isn’t powerful enough to provide a sufficient amount of airflow.

The average air purifier, for example, consumes 2-3 times as little electricity as a refrigerator, and 30 times less than air conditioner. Make sure the air purifier you choose has the Energy Star label, as these machines are more energy-efficient. Your monthly electricity bill would rise by $3-4 if you were to run a 50-watt air purifier at full power 24 hours a day.

How Much Electricity Does an Air Purifier Need?

Air purifiers come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but they all have one common goal: to clean the air in your home.

But how much does an air purifier actually cost to run? The answer: it depends on the model.

Most air purifiers require between 50 and 100 watts of electricity to run, which costs between $0.10 and $0.20 per hour, depending on your electricity rate. That means that a purifier running for eight hours a day would cost between $3 and $4 per month, or between $36 and $48 per year.

Does Using The Mode Save Energy?

Some air purifiers have an auto mode which adjusts the energy usage depending on how much pollution is in the air. This can save you energy and money in the long run.

However, some air purifiers do not have an auto mode and consume the same amount of energy no matter what. If you have an air purifier without an auto mode, make sure to turn it off when you’re not using it to save energy.

How Much Does It Cost To Run An Air Purifier Per Hour?

Typically, smaller air purifiers cost less to run per hour, while larger machines will be more expensive.

Some machines also have features that will increase or decrease the cost of operation. For example, some machines have a sleep mode that will reduce energy consumption when the unit is not in use. Other machines have a turbo mode that will increase energy consumption but provide faster air purification.

It’s important to consider all of these factors when deciding which machine is right for you. Be sure to read the manufacturer’s specifications to get a better understanding of how much it will cost to run your machine.

Does Air Purifier Use A Lot Of Electricity?

The amount of electricity an air purifier uses will depend on the size and type of purifier you buy. Some air purifiers are more energy efficient than others, so it’s important to find one that doesn’t use a lot of electricity.

If you’re looking for an air purifier that is energy efficient, we recommend the Bloom Room Air Purifier. It’s a small and compact purifier that uses less than 60 watts of electricity, making it a great option for those looking to save on their energy bill.

Also Read: Where is the Best Place to Put an Air Purifier?

Is Air Purifier Necessary if I Have Air Conditioner?

Even though it’s not required, it’s highly recommended. In fact, no matter how the temperature is controlled, any room with a closed door should have an air purifier running. During a rain storm, particles can’t spread out and fall to the ground because they can’t get out of closed spaces.

Air purifiers keep these particles from getting into the air by trapping them in their filter. Running an air purifier makes it much harder for bacteria and viruses to spread through the air and makes it easier for people with allergies and asthma to breathe.


It’s important to keep your air purifier running optimally in order to keep your house clean and healthy. Luckily, it’s not expensive to do so! By following these tips, you can keep your air purifier running well and keep your home free of harmful pollutants.