Diary of disturbing disinformation and dangerous delusions

Spot the difference:


“[If there’s a default], I would be blameless.” 

— President Biden, Sunday

We say: Has a promise ever been more spectacularly broken?

From Day 1, Biden’s done nothing but “divide” and blame others: “I’ve done my part,” he huffed Sunday, referring to the debt-limit talks.

“It’s time for the other side” to do its share.

Huh? The prez has done nothing whatsoever on the debt limit — except demand it be raised, no strings attached, and accuse “MAGA extremists” of holding the economy hostage by seeking to rein in spending.

No wonder more Americans, per a Fox News poll, say they’d put the majority of blame on him if there’s no debt-limit deal.

This charge:

“Charter schools . . . [receive] taxpayer dollars without any real accountability . . . and exclude the state’s most vulnerable students.”

UFT boss Michael Mulgrew, in an email Monday

We say: Pure bull.

Charters (free public schools that generally outperform the traditional schools Mulgrew’s teachers union runs) are subject to far more “accountability”; every five years, for instance, they must prove they’re working well or risk being closed; try closing one of Mulgrew’s schools!

As for excluding “vulnerable students,” Mulgrew knows charters, by law, pick kids strictly by lottery.

His anti-charter email was merely meant to push legislation that could hobble charter growth — because his own schools can’t compete.

UFT President Michael Mulgrew stated charter schools receive “taxpayer dollars without any real accountability.”
LightRocket via Getty Images

This claim:

“President Joe Biden has prioritized deal-making through much of the debt ceiling talks, laboring to work across the aisle.”

— Politico WH Bureau Chief Jonathan Lemire, Sunday

We say: Has Lemire been on Mars — or is it already time for a revisionist history of the 2023 debt-ceiling talks?

Biden refused for months even to talk to Republicans, let alone “prioritize” making a deal.

He insisted he’d accept “no conditions” in exchange for a debt-ceiling lift.

Yet Lemire claims Biden’s been reluctant to “to play hardball.” Ha!

That’s the only game Biden’s played, at least until he feared losing.

Even now, he’s still forcing talks to go to the brink.

This tweet:

We say: Rep. Adam “I Have Russia Collusion Proof” Schiff refuses to stick to the truth.

Per IRS data, people of all income brackets benefited from the GOPs’ 2017 tax cuts, with middle-income workers benefiting most.

Yes, the US top corporate tax rate fell from 35% to 21%, putting it more in line with other countries.

Yet that helped spark economic growth, which raised revenue, helping to pay for the cuts.

This claim:

“This proposed rule is not a ban on gas stoves; we are regulating indoor air pollution.”

— Rep. Cori Bush, Wednesday

We say: Why can’t the left be honest about gas stoves?

The “rule” Squad member Bush defends — proposed by the Biden Energy Department — would slap efficiency requirements on stove-makers that would effectively ban half of all gas stoves on the market.

Of course, Democrats like Bush and President Biden insist they’re not out to ban gas stoves, since the public loathes the idea.

Representative Cori Bush speaks during a press conference held by Just Majority on May 8, 2023 in St Louis, Missouri.
Rep. Cori Bush said she’s fighting for a gas-stove regulation to fight indoor air pollution.
Getty Images for Just Majority

Yet they keep pushing for just such bans nonetheless.

New York imposed the nation’s first statewide ban on gas-hookups this month, while Dem-run cities, like Gotham, have had similar bans for a while now.

— Compiled by The Post Editorial Board

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