The Issue: Large quantities of smoke from Canadian wildfires that spread over the East Coast this week.

As a Californian, I give all in New York City and beyond the line from “Die Hard”: “Welcome to the party, pal!” (“Blame Canada,” June 8)

We’ve had the same problem with wildfires for years. The cause is the same: Poor forest management that kowtows to environmentalists, leaving tons of debris and fuel on the forest floor just waiting to be changed from tinder to conflagration by a lightning strike, some idiot with a cigarette or a live wire igniting a tree.

But we don’t panic because we know that it’s temporary. The trippy sunsets and sunrises that resemble Krypton will leave when the fires are put out or it rains, whichever comes first.

Climate change? Not hardly. Bad policy sets the stage for the destruction of thousands of acres of forest annually. Clean out the dead stuff, and there’s nothing to burn.

Smokey Bear says: “Only you can prevent forest fires.” He should preface that with, “Idiots are in charge, but . . .” Hang in there, New York.

J. Brotnov

Fresno, Calif.

If we can learn anything from the devastating and debilitating Canadian forest fires, which are significantly affecting both Canada the United States, it’s that we need to bring back traditional, proven forest management with finely controlled burning.

And the parks and forest departments need stricter restrictions on visitors regarding camp fires, including digital alert systems for weather conditions and heavy fines/jail time for those who knowingly choose to put the people and the planet at risk.

Enough is enough already. This is long overdue.

N. Albanese

New Rochelle

This week’s foul air and smoke pollution are not due to carbon or fossil-fuel emissions.

It is caused by smoke from the uncontrolled Canadian wildfires, which are naturally occurring because of Canada’s failure to do regular controlled forest-fires to clear out its underbrush and open up the forests.

What’s not helpful during this crisis is the “hot air” coming from politicians like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who are using the forest-fire smoke to further their climate-control agenda.

This is disingenuous and certainly does not promote an honest climate-control discussion.

Harold Fishman


I was insulted reading your recent headline: “Blame Canada” for the smoke.

I live in Vancouver, Canada. In the last eight to 10 years, there have been summers when the air quality here has been worse than the air quality in Bombay.

This poor air quality was due to forest fires in California, Oregon or Washington. And that occurs every two to three summers.

Climate change is to blame. Every country in the world has not reached their goals in reducing their emissions, the United States as much as Canada.

Johanne Sabourin

Vancouver, Canada

The air quality on June 7 was hazardous for everyone in New York City because of the wildfire in Canada. It was especially dangerous for the elderly and young people.

If anything, our mayor and governor took too long to address this. If they were truly on top of the problem, they should have had only essential personnel report to work.

I was watching kids let out of school that afternoon, and I saw them struggle to get home due to the smoke-filled air. Students could have also been let out much earlier as another alternative.

When faced with such an adverse condition, real leadership must be shown — not leaders dropping the ball.

Joseph Comperchio


You’ve got to be kidding. “Blame Canada”? Did Canada blame the United States for Washington’s wildfire smoke last year?

Stop the divisive scapegoating and start addressing wildfire causes — fossil-fuel production, greenhouse-gas emissions and climate change.

Pamela FitzGerald

Ottawa, Canada

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