Rain may make a return to New York this weekend following this week’s heavy showers that turned roads into waterfalls, sent boulders flying off mountains toward homes, and flooded houses across the northeastern portion of the state.

While Wednesday and Thursday are expected to remain dry and hot, showers and possible thunderstorms are expected to enter the tri-state region this weekend.

“For today and tomorrow, the biggest thing is that we’ve had the return of the heat we had last week,” Fox Weather Meteorologist Brian Mastro told The Post. “We’re going to get back into the 90s today and tomorrow.”

While the Big Apple waits for a cold front to bring slightly cooler temps it’s likely to remain relatively dry until Friday.

Showers and possible thunderstorms are expected to enter the tri-state region this weekend.

“By the time we get to Friday we’ll get that humidity back a little bit, it will be a little bit cooler but that’s also when we get the rain to return,” Mastro said.

The short-lived relief from Sunday and Monday’s flooding could come to an end Friday, as the already-saturated grounds may not be able to absorb much more water.

“As of right now, it looks like we could get — depending on whether we get thunderstorms — a decent amount of rain, maybe a half an inch to an inch of rain potentially,” Mastro said.

There is a chance rain will cause flooding this weekend as the ground is already saturated from the rain that came earlier this week.
Paul Martinka

“If it falls quickly enough in a thunderstorm we could have the chance of flooding — but it’s a little too soon to tell,” he added.

The five boroughs are much less likely to see any flooding this weekend than other parts of New York and New Jersey, Mastro said.

This weekend’s showers and possible thunderstorms come days after a powerful deluge flooded the northeastern portion of the state — submerging vehicles and roads and even causing an Orange County woman to drown.

Temperatures are expected to remain in the upper 80s moving into the weekend.

The heavy flooding swamped areas north of the five boroughs — spanning from Albany to the Canadian border east along I-87 and into Vermont, where a crucial dam in the state’s capital has been left inches away from overflowing.

Officials across Vermont and New York say the storm has already wrought tens of millions of dollars in damage.

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