The kids are not alright.
An online comedian hilariously read “texts from your college freshman” submitted by parents who were more than enthusiastic to put their children’s time in higher education on blast.
“Son asked if Italian was a language. ‘Wow I thought it was just an accent!’ ” @the_leighton_show — a Maine father who went viral this summer for listing off the reasons his wife yelled at him — began his lengthy collection.
Among the bevy of youthful misunderstandings, the concept of having insurance particularly perplexed these Gen Zers.
“Daughter kept referring to her insurance co-pay as a cover charge,” Leighton read.
“Two students got in a car accident and exchanged health insurance info,” he mentioned.
Driving mishaps inside the car got its fair share as well.
“Driver pulled in front of us, my son screamed ‘quick, press the honk button!’ “
“Daughter asked what blinker she should use to go straight,” Leighton added.
Another few youngsters seem to have not paid attention during health class either.
“Boy getting ready for college: ‘Ugh I need a pap smear.’ “
“Kid asked me if she had a live birth,” he said.
And apparently, one first year wasn’t taking any intro to cinema courses.
“[My] college freshman asked if the Pink Panther was a lion,” Leighton read.
But nothing tops the interactions that came from these college kids living independently for what’s likely their first time.

“Daughter thought the Brita pitcher refilled itself with the humidity in the refrigerator.”
“Daughter asked how I make pancakes round,” Leighton said. “If anyone’s about to comment that that’s a legit question, please do not.”