The House of Representatives passed a second bill Wednesday aimed at blocking the Biden administration’s proposed rules curtailing the use of gas stoves.

The Save Our Gas Stoves Act, which bars the Energy Department from setting more stringent efficiency requirements for the devices, passed 249-181 — with 29 Democrats joining 220 Republicans in voting yea.

The White House ignited a frenzy in January after a regulator at the Consumer Product Safety Commission floated the prospect of a national ban to curb air pollution.

The official, Richard Trumka Jr., later clarified that any restrictions would apply to new appliances rather than existing ones.

But outrage grew after the Energy Department introduced new regulations calling for more robust energy efficiency standards in new gas stove models.

Under the Save Our Gas Stoves Act, which was sponsored by Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-Ariz.), the Energy Secretary is prohibited from “finalizing, implementing, or enforcing the proposed rule titled ‘‘Energy Conservation Program: Energy Conservation Standards for Consumer Conventional Cooking Products.’”

A gas-lit flame burns on a natural gas stove on Jan. 11, 2006. The Republican-controlled House is taking up legislation that GOP lawmakers say would protect gas stoves from over-zealous government regulators.

Additionally, the department is blocked from introducing standards that “would result in the prohibition of a kitchen range or stove based on the type of fuel it uses, including gas stoves.”

On Tuesday, the House passed the Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act, which bars the Consumer Product Safety Commission from using federal resources to substantially ratchet up restrictions on gas stoves or increase their price.

That bill passed 248-180, with 29 Democrats again voting yea. The White House has expressed opposition to both measures, though it has stopped short of saying Biden will veto them.

United States President Joe Biden during a reception honoring US Chiefs of Missions in the East Room at the White House on June 13, 2023 in Washington, D.C.
Biden’s administration ignited a frenzy after a regulator at the Consumer Product Safety Commission floated the prospect of a national ban to curb air pollution.
Samuel Corum – Pool via CNP / MEGA

On the Senate side, Dan. Sullivan (R-Alaska) introduced companion legislation, which has been backed by Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV). But there is no vote slated for it just yet.

Both bills were held up an internal GOP melee last week that paralyzed the lower chamber for several days.

Eleven Republicans blocked advancement of the gas stove bills, which they favored, in protest of the debt limit deal House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) cut with the White House earlier this month.

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